You can download the discussions here. We will try to upload discussion material prior to their corresponding sessions. Future discussions listed below likely have broken links.
Discussion_01 - SCC and Environment Setup
tl;dr: Setting up SCC, virtual environments, and running jobs.
Notebook: 00_fundamentals.ipynb
Suggested Readings: -
Discussion_02 - SCC Part 2 + Common Practices in Structuring DL Code + Examples to try out qsub and qrsh
tl;dr: Running Jobs, Structuring Code, and Examples to try out qsub and qrsh. High-level overview of different components of a deep learning project. Will go more in-depth in future discussions.
[Interactive Job (qrsh) walkthrough] [Non-Interactive Job (qsub) Example] [Job Array Example]
Suggested Readings:
Discussion_03 - Loss Functions, Activation Functions, Basic PyTorch components for building a model