Table of Contents:
Here’s your chance to apply the deep learning techniques you learn in this class to real world applications.
Note: we’re modeling our project definition on Prof. Andrew Ng’s CS230 Deep Learning class.
Project Categories
Choose a project that aligns with your interests and utilizes deep learning as part of the solution.
You may pick one of the three following categories of projects.
- Application Project: We expect most students will pick this category. Pick a problem or application that interests you. Consider whether there are suitable datasets available already or whether you will have to augment or create a dataset. Outcomes are expected to be implementation with an accompanying github repo and a report.
- Algorithmic Project: In this category, you will develop a new deep learning algorithm or substantively improve an existing one. One would typically benchmark against some well known dataset and show non-trivial improvement over prior work. Outcomes would typically be a short conference style article and an implementation with a github repo.
- Theoretical Project: Prove an interesting property of a new or existing learning algorithm. For a purely theoretical project, the output may only be a conference style report, but an implementation (and accompanying GitHub repo) may be appropriate as well.
It’s possible that your project may blend more than one category.
Project Topics
Design a project that piques your interest. The more the project aligns with your interest, the more invested you will be in it and the more effort you will likely put into it. Maybe you want to work on something that brings social benefit, or perhaps you want to prototpye a potential future commercial venture! It’s ok to be ambitious and aim high.
Having said that, the project is time bound so do your best to scope it to fit in the semester timeline. Some factors that may impact the scope:
- Is there an existing, labeled dataset that you can use? Or will you have to create one from scratch? Creating and labeling a dataset is a great experience but can be quite time consuming. On the other hand, one way to get attention to a problem or application is to provide an interesting dataset and invite the community to propose solutions.
- Will you be simply prompting an existing model, or fine-tuning a pre-trained model, or training a new model from scratch. The three approaches are increasingly time consuming.
- Is the problem or application amenable to deep learning solutions? This can sometimes be hard to assess without experimenting, but one trick is to reflect on how hard it would be for a person to solve the problem. Generally, if a person can do the task very quickly (think classify dog versus cat), then there’s a good chance a deep learning model can be applied. Of course LLMs can be counterintuitive in this regard.
We encourage you to bounce ideas off the instructor and the TA. We can help you brainstorm your project ideas and help estimate the scope.
There are places you can look to help give you ideas:
- Application workshops at major conferences can be good sources of ideas. Often times they are associated with new and interesting datasets. Some potential conferences include:
- Kaggle and other competition websites can be a source of ideas.
- You might find some interesting datasets at Papers with Code
- Lot of applications are posted on X/Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc.
Project Ideas
In case it is helpful, here are some project ideas you can also consider:
- Class AI Tutor (LLM-based assistant)
- This topic can incorporate multiple student projects.
- Enhance the current primitive class AI tutor with a customized tutor built on a “cognitive architecture” framework using langchain or llamaindex, to incorporate things like retrieval augmentation based on course materials. Have the tutor be socratic in style (e.g. not directly give answers but guide the user on how to arrive at the answer) and reference course material and lectures in responses.
- Experiment and evaluate with different foundation models.
- In addition to the core functionality, it would be helpful to have a data collection/model improvement mode
where at a minimum the user can provide feedback on how helpful the response is. This can take multiple forms.
- Simple thumbs up or thumbs down.
- A more sophisticated data collection mode where the user is presented with two responses side by side and they can then pick which one they find more helpful.
- Use the feedback data to fine-tune the model.
- An initial draft at a customized AI tutor is this GitHub repo, currently as a Pull Request.
- Ideally, we provide this AI tutor as a template for other instructors at BU and elsewhere.
- Teacher’s AI Assistant (LLM-based assistant)
- This would complement the student-facing AI tutor with an instructor-facing assistant that would give feedback to the instructor on what topics the student are asking about and which ones the students might be struggling with.
- For both this and the above assistant, build in privacy-preserving features as necessary, so students have control over privacy should they choose. The feedback to the instructor would primarily be aggregrated with no personal identifying information. Work out privacy policy so that students could opt to share identity and instructors could be better prepared to work with individual students.
- CDS Curriculum AI Assistant (LLM-based Assistant)
- Build an LLM-based assistant that could help students navigate the CDS curriculum with tasks such as helping to choose electives based on students’ interests and priorities.
- Possibly provide feedback to CDS administration in a privacy preserving way.
- CDS Building Recycling Advisor (Computer Vision)
- A computer vision based system that directs a person as to which bin an item should be placed.
- Establish baselines on waste/recycle streams, contamination rates so that if/when prototypes are deployed one can gauge any changes/improvements.
- NAACP/WGBH bias detection (Computer Vision, NLP)
- BU Spark has a project underway with NAACP and WGBH to understand if there is bias in media reporting of minorities
and primarily minority neighborhoods. The work to date is using explicit mention of minority status and geographic
locations in the text and then applying sentiment analysis. There are two possible extensions to this work:
- Extend the bias analyis to any accompanying photographs to the news stories.
- Use LLMs and other foundation models to infer minority status and geographic location when not explicitly mentioned while carefully considering the ethical implications of doing so.
- Use LLMs to infer more nuanced bias in the text than classical NLP techniques may uncover.
- BU Spark has a project underway with NAACP and WGBH to understand if there is bias in media reporting of minorities
and primarily minority neighborhoods. The work to date is using explicit mention of minority status and geographic
locations in the text and then applying sentiment analysis. There are two possible extensions to this work:
- Herbaria Foundation Model (Computer Vision, OCR, Multimodal)
- An Herbarium is an institution, usually affiliated with a university or museum, that collects and catalogs plant samples. The plant samples are often dried, pressed and mounted on paper with accompanying descriptive labels, either handwritten or typed. Many collections, such as that of the Harvard University Herbaria go back more than 100 years. There has been a concerted effort over recent years to digitize the images of these plant samples to make them available online. There are now millions of these digitized records online, and tens of millions of records yet to be scanned but likely online in the future.
- BU Spark has a project underway to streamline the capture and digitization process of these herbaria plant samples. Part of that effort is to implement OCR methods to speed transcription of the sample labels in english, cyrillic and chinese characters.
- For this project you will go beyond OCR to analyze the plant samples themselves, as well as better understand all content of the digitized herbaria sample.
- Tasks to consider in this project could include: building a plant classifier based on the labeled plant species; from the plant classification, identify possible misclassification candidates – propose correct classification or possibly identify new species; determine phenological features of the plants – i.e. the state of any fruit or flowers;
- Given the complexity of the plant samples themselves, would the problem warrant finetuning some kind of foundation model to eventually make available to the broader scientific community?
- Modern Implementation of Classic Papers
- What can we learn from some of the earliest papers on neural networks? For this project you will reimplement some of the seminal neural networks from these papers and write an accompanying report that recasts the early work in modern nomemclature, compares and contrasts to modern networks and then perform evaluations of the network training and performance. Ideally, you provide all these networks in a public GitHub repo.
- Early works to consider are: Perceptron by Rosenblatt, 1957; ADALINE by Widrow and Hoff, 1960; Neocognitron, by Fukushima, 1980; Hopfield Networks, by John Hopfield, 1982; Boltzmann Machines by Hinton & Sejnowski, 1983, etc.
- more to come
Of course you can pursue any other ideas you have as well!
Previous Projects
Project Deliverables
- Draft Deadline: Monday, October 28 @ 11:59 PM
- Final Deadline: Monday, November 4 @ 11:59 PM
Here’s a proposal template pdf and the source \(\LaTeX\).
The proposal format is:
- Project Title
- Abstract
- Team Members (From one to three people.)
- Introduction: Give the motivation for the problem you are solving or application you are developing and why it is worthwhile.
- Related Work: Results from initial literature search.
- Proposed Work: What are you going to do and how are you going to do it?
- Datasets: What dataset will you be using? Does it exist already? What dataset preparation will be needed?
- Evaluation: How are you going to evaluate your results?
- Timeline: Approximate time line for the project over the course of the semester.
- Conclusion: You can recap your proposal.
- References: References for your citations.
More explanation of each section is in the template.
Submission will be on GradeScope, but feel free to share early draft with the instructor to get early feedback.
If you don’t have a \(\LaTeX\) authoring environment set up, we recommend using Overleaf or the LaTeX Workshop extension for Visual Studio Code.
Mid-Point Check-In
Deadline: Wednesday, November 20 @ 11:59 PM
Prepare an update on your project status.
For the format, update your project proposal with the additional information you have learned since making the proposal.
If you didn’t previously use the LaTeX template, we highly recommend you do, and make sure you have content for each of the sections. Feel free to revise any content from your original proposal to make the update more coherent.
Ideally, at this point you have:
- Updated or refined your problem statement based on any learnings so that it is more aligned with your interests or objectives and perhaps more feasible.
- Updated your dataset choices and performed some initial exploratory data analysis to better understand your dataset(s).
- Updated your literature and repo survey to indicate the most relevant references and source repos.
- Defined and trained some initial, perhaps greatly simplified, models to start getting a sense of how they may perform on your dataset towards your problem.
- Created a github repo where you are collecting your work so far. The repo doesn’t have to be clean and well-documented at this point, but it’s not a bad idea to start filling in the top-level README with some description and any learnings or experiments you have done so far.
You don’t necessarily have to cover all these items completely (hence the word “Ideally”), but you are highly encouraged to show some progress on each item.
Final Report and Presentation
- Report Deadline: Friday, December 6 @ 11:59 PM
Here’s the project report template pdf and the source \(\LaTeX\).
The report should include:
- Project Title
- Team Members (From one to three people.)
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Approach (or Methodology)
- Datasets
- Evaluation Results
- Conclusion
- References
Deadline: Friday, December 6 @ 11:59 PM
Create a 3-4 minute video (no more than 4 minutes) that describe your project. Generally, the video should include:
- Introduce the team
- State the problem or application and why it is important
- Provide the approach taken, models and methods used
- Show the results and how evaluated
When complete, upload your video to the BU MyMedia channel for this semester’s
Update 12/5: Please include your video in your GitHub repository instead.
To make your screen recordings, one free and easy option is to use Kaltura Capture, which is integrated with BU’s MyMedia streaming media solution.
Instruction video is here, including how to download the app.
Project Code Repository
As part of your final project, you should have your project code checked into a github repo and include the link to your project repo in your report.
Update 12/5: Make your project public or add me (jconsidi) as a member with read-only access.
The repo should be documented enough so that someone can reproduce your work.